
Do I Suffer from WOWphobia?

To determine if you are, indeed, suffering from WOWphobia, answer the following questions to the best of your ability:

1. Is getting up in the morning complete torture for you?

a. Of course
b. You mean some people just get up? Without setting eight alarm clocks?
c. I don't need to get up, I have nightmares from work

2. How do you get to work?

a. I drive, and pick traffic-y lanes to delay my arrival

b. I take a bus/train so I can catch a few more minutes of sleep
c. I walk, very slowly, to detent the bomb, oops, I meant getting to work

3. How do you make your coffee?

a. Put some coffee and sugar in a cup, then add hot water and milk. Nothing can sweeten a work day anyway
b. Boil water, carefully measure my coffee and sugar, pour some water into my mug (no plastic cups for me!), wait for 4 seconds, then add more water, and finally add milk.
c. Do what person (b) does, except I taste it before I get to my desk, and usually add sugar. Or coffee. Or milk. Or water. And then walk slowly (I care about the carpet)

4. What is the first thing you do when you get to your desk?

a. Turn on my computer, and praying I won't be bored all day
b. Put my coffee down, then my bag, say good morning to everyone around me, then proceed to turning on my computer. Why the rush? Work ain't going nowhere
c. Retrace my steps to make sure nothing spilled on the way, do what person (b) did, by then my coffee is cold, so I go make a new one

Ok, now that you're done with these personal and possibly intrusive questions (sorry!) check your answers.
If most of your answers were A, you haven't been at your workplace for long 
enough. Give it a few months, and you'll hit B in no time!

If most of your answers are B, you're suffering from mild WOWphobia, which can be treated using the methods below.

If you answered C to most questions, well, you're in trouble, and so am I. Try getting a new job (employers, don't kill me), if you have any other helpful 
insights on conquering WOWphobia, feel free to comment below.

Watch out for the next post titled How to Get Rid of  My WOWphobia

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