
How to Deal with Job Oppurtunities Gone Amiss

Sooooo this happened to most people, so it probably happened to you or your cousin, sister, or best friend. You see this AMAZING "wanted" ad, it's your dream job. You excitedly send your CV and wait...and wait....and wait...nothing happens.
This often may feel like a punch in your face, but you've go to remember this: YOU'RE AWESOME! Say it out loud "I'm Awesome!" I'm serious.
 Now that we've cleared that under-estimated-self obstacle, let's think about it this way.
The person who got your CV might not even have read it, having the position filled already, so it's nothing personal, it doesn't degrade you, or your capabilities. Even if the person DID read your CV, and for some bizzare reason wasn't impressed by your simply awesomesational qualities, don't take it to heart, we love you anyway, but more importantly-you should love yourself just the same!
Ok, it sucks not getting the job you wanted, but let's make that irritating "i'm not good enough" thought go away. By the way, if you think about that job for more than 36 hours, you're a workaholic...who thinks abut work for 36 hours? Not me! Soooooooo basically, I was saying, to make those funny irritating thoughts go away, try listening to music, working out, doing art, reading a book, watching a movie (not THAT  reccommended but okaaaaaay) or any other brain-filling activities you may think up (it's good to keep a list of those, just sayin').
Ciao for now!

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