
How to Separate Your Personal Life from Work

Well, I had a quite funny post ready for this one, but a tragedy that ensued on my People today has changed that.
This morning, as I was leaving my house at 7am, i heard the dreadful sirens again. I say dreadful, because as someone who lives in Jerusalem, I've experienced several terror attacks, and the amount and variety of sirens heard leaves no room to wonder. I knew. There was another attack. 
As I walked to the bus I prayed that no one be hurt. It was too late for that. 5 were murdered, 5 critically wounded, 3 badly wounded, and some panic-stricken survivors. 
Traffic was crazy. I work in the west bank, and the soldiers were checking every.single.car. to make sure the 2 terrorists accomplice wouldn't get away. I had time to think about the post I wrote last week, the one I was going to post later this week, or next week. It seemed so lame. How can I separate this tragedy from work? This wasn't my personal life. It was the life of my People.
Finally arriving at work, I realized I wasn't the only one feeling that way. Many of my colleagues were personally acquainted with the victims: Rabbi Moshe Twersky HYD, Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Goldberg HYD, Rabbi Kalman Levin HYD. The 4th victim is Aryeh Kupinsky HYD. We must also reember the police officer who risked his life for others: Zidan Sayif/
Work didn't ensue as normal today. There was a lot of crying, a lot of praying. No one cares about deadlines or progress reports in times like this. Times of a People tragedy.
(no edits made)

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